TW with Luis & Elizabeth: The last of the lockdown series??
Fridays 9th & 23rd July should see the last of the really excellent series of classes given Tango Warwick's resident teachers: Luis Rodriguez and Elizabeth Knock, under the present socially distancing regulations.
The classes will be socially distanced, with fixed tango partner, as we are getting used to; and fun as we are getting used to too. Details as before, but repeated below. There may be minor tweaks for 23rd.
Don't forget previous announcements concerning booking for Tango SPArkle in October:
Booking in advance is essential:
Since there may be rationing, book early, eg now! (See below for how): I'll aim to give the initial allocations for both Fridays on Monday 12th, and later bookers can fill any gaps still available then.
Luis & Elizabeth are often available for private or semi-private classes on Saturdays. Please contact them via
FRIDAYs 16th &23rd July 2021:
6.15-7.15 Techniques for individual practice at all levels (couples and singles)
7.30-8.30 Couples Improvers class
8.45-9.45 Couples Intermediate/Advanced class.
COST: £10 pp for one class, £5 for each additional class if available.
TEACHERS:Elizabeth Knock & Luis Rodriguez.
WHERE: St Mary's Church Hall , St Mary's Road, Leamington Spa,CV31 1JW.
TO BOOK PLEASE DO SO by EMAIL to: SUBJECT"Tango Warwick Classes."
If you try by messenger etc, or just 'replying ' to this email, it may easily get overlooked !
You can book now for both Fridays, or book for one at a time.
For each Friday the request should give first, second, and 3rd choice of classes including how many you wish to attend, and any other helpful information. Plus name(s) ! For the 2nd & 3rd classes only tangocouples booking together will be considered. Partners do not need to be the same on both days.
COVID SAFETY rules must be strictly followed (even if national restrictions have been lifted!):
Please arrive 5 or so minutes early and wait at door to be admitted
Classes are for solo people (for the individual technique) or fixed partners only (for the group classes).
Couples need to book together.
Please bring your own water or refreshments with you.
You will need to give track and trace information on arrival, either via the government QR code or manually.
You must use face coverings on arrival, in the corridors, foyer, and toilets, but may take them off during the class.
Hand sanitisers will be available but we recommend washing hands thoroughly in the bathroom on arrival and in between classes.
Please do not congregate in the foyer or corridors: they are not well ventilated.
Only one person may be in the gentlemen's toilet at any time, and at most two in the ladies.
Please leave the classes through the back entrance.
Please do not attend a class if you are displaying any of the following symptoms: a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. If you are feeling at all unwell in other ways possibly related to the delta variant, (eg headache, sore throat) please follow what many consider standard practice and take a lateral flow test before setting out.
ORGANISATION: You will be given an area to work in as a couple or as individuals. The total number of couples allowed for each couples class is 8, with 8 or more for the individuals. L&E will be in the middle. There will be no flow on 16th July. On 23rd July we may consider having a flow and letting the numbers go up to 10 couples.
Maybe see you there ?
David (for Tango Warwick).