Tango Vals & Beginners Tango Fundamentals, and practicas this week

This Friday at St Mary's, Leamington Spa the concentration from 7.30 pm will be on Tango Vals. This follows the 6.30 class on Tango Fundamentals where beginners will be catered for, as well as experienced dancers who come to hone up their techniques and encourage the beginners.

    Luis Rodrigues & Elizabeth Knock, our teachers, are especially fond of Vals: a lovely part of the tango dancers repertoire. Here are videos of previous demos; In London: https://fb.watch/lSNi24QaEK/ and for Tango Warwick: https://fb.watch/lSNTTbY7dj/

       Come along if you can!  For details see https://tangowarwick.org/news/2023/7/12/tango-warwick-in-the-summer


    ONLY TWO MORE Totally Informal Space Practicas before it takes a break for August. So come along for this social dance and practice opportunity. No partner needed. Wednesdays from 8.15 to 10.15 at Warwick Space. Again see https://tangowarwick.org/news/2023/7/12/tango-warwick-in-the-summer for details.



  1. Milonga Ideal on 4th August with superstar Guillermo Fernandez, and DJ Dante Culcuy.

  2. Tango Spa weekend 27-29th October. Booking well underway.


 Hope to see you,

 David -for Tango Warwick.

Tango Warwick